The role of intellectual games in the preparation of students to civil society
Physical training is a major factor of the comprehensive development of the personality
Healthy lifestyle
R. A. Əkbərov, M. S. Alıyev
Physiological and hygienic aspects of action of movement activity on functional systems of organism
V. H. Quliyev, Q. D. Yusifov, N. Ə. Əliyeva, K. F. Məmmədova, S. A. Əliyev
Effect of oxidative stress and oxygen active forms on the body
S. A. Əliyev, M. Ə. Babayev, Y. N. Quliyev
Effect of massage on the functional characteristics of the lymphatic system
The effect of massage on the functional activity of the nervous system
Speed as a means of educating the high-speed abilities of students in a comprehensive school
Sport and healthy lifestyle
R. F. Qədimov, X. R. Qocayev
The contents of physical actions
Hygienic assessment of the impact of physical actions on the health of schoolchildren and students
Ş. A. Məmmədova, N. T. Əsədullayeva, L. H. Səlimova, İ. N. Əhmədova
Ways to increase the working ability of young female handball players
The role of physical exercises and sports in assessing the health of children and adolescents
A. Q. Veysəlova, N. T. Əsədullayeva
Investigation of change in the indicator of the working ability of tourists in multi-day mountain sports
V. M. Bağırov, Y. B. Məmmədov, E. V. Bağırov
Methods for developing the flexibility of athletes at the stage of specialized training in rhythmic gymnastics
Investigation of the level of physical readiness after the six months training of the swimmer girls in the initial training group
Ş. H. Əbdürrəhmanov, Ş. R. Yusifli
Influence of physical loads on the cell's immune response
S. S. Əlibəyova, S. Ç. Babayeva, N. Ə. Əliyeva
Investigating the effectiveness of high-level male volleyball players' technical and tactical activities (players playing in amplua-communicative position).
Z. C. Hacıyev, S. O. Sultanova, S. Y. Əliyev, F. A. Qurbanova
Peculiarities of sports selection of young cyclists specializing in highway crossings
Observation of functional indicators when performing Harvard Step Test on karate players
Q. D. Yusifov, Y. N. Quliyev, Q. Ş. Əbiyev, X. Ə. Əlixanova, V. A. Şamilova
Role and importance of antioxidant defense system in the preparation of athletes
Ş. N. Məmmədova, İ. M. Mazanov, S. A. Əliyev
Sports type, age effects and their rehabilitation for injuries caused by movement apparatus
S. P. Mürsəlova, F. N. Nəbiyeva
Methods of physical fitness control and evaluation of members of the national team of Azerbaijan on Rhythmic Gymnastics
E. Ə. Nərimanov, S. S. Bagirov
Physical education and sporting activities as the object of management
Writing in a communicative-oriented foreign language teaching at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
Sport and formation of identity
Modernization of pedagogical methodological work at the children's sports academy
Spoken Grammar and Its Role in the English Language Classroom