e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Football is the most enjoyable and attractive game to watch through the passion and continuous development in performance it offers. This rapid development is due to the training methods that develop and renew over the days. The current research aims to prepare complex exercises that target some of the physical and skill capabilities of football players, namely transitional speed, agility, and scoring. The research sample was represented by the players of the Al-Nahda Sports Club for the junior category for the 2024-2025 football season, numbering 34 players, aged between (15-17) years. The researcher used the experimental method of two equal experimental and control groups with pre-and post-tests to identify the differences between them and measure the rate of development for each group. The training method continued for (8 weeks) at a rate of three training units per week, for a total of (24) training units. The total intensity of the exercises ranged between (3.70% - 2.92%). The researcher used statistical methods that contained the computed and tabulated (t) value using (SPSS) software and the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. A researcher concluded through the current study that there is a positive effect of using complex exercises, as the results showed significant differences in the post-tests in favor of the experimental group. The researcher recommends the necessity of diversifying the use of exercises and that they be comprehensive and complex, targeting multiple physical and skill capabilities.


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compound exercises
physical abilities
skill abilities
offensive performance
football сложные упражнения
физические способности
атакующие действия
футбол qarışıq məşqlər
fiziki qabiliyyətlər
bacarıq qabiliyyətləri
hücum performansı
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