This article examines the opinion of the authors, who made it possible to conclude that only with a clear distribution of the role, it is possible to achieve an organized, purposeful, subject to certain patterns of the process both in competitions and in training. The distribution of players by function is one of the basic principles of game activity. Players are distinguished by their role not only by playing techniques and location on the court, but also by their psychophysical features. Studying the competitive activity of handball players of various qualifications, we can say that their activities on the site have a big difference in terms of the number of techniques used in the game. At the same time, players of different role have a different ratio of the techniques used. Thus, the distribution of players by role provides for the demonstration and assessment of the athletes' abilities in various types of sports team game in accordance with their inherent rules, the content of motional actions, methods of struggle and the assessment of results.
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