Sports journalism is one of the few important branches of journalism. This branch of journalism has been formed as a specific field in different countries through certain development paths. Sports journalism in Azerbaijan is also developing day by day. Recently, important steps have been taken for the development of this field, special newspapers, magazines, portals, etc. has started to operate. However, there are still certain problems in the formation of sports journalism as a special field.
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Pənahqızı A. İdman mətbuatımızda mövcud problemlər, atılmalı olan addımlar., 2020.
Sports Journalist – Everything You Need To Know, nalist/.
Indeed Editorial Team, How to become a sports journalist (skills and definition), ding-a-job/how-to-become-sport-journa list, 2022.
Novruzov K., Mehdiyev Q. İdman jurnalistikası çətinliyinə görə yalnız hərbi jurnalistikadan geri qalır. Müsahibə, Şərq qəzeti, 5 mart 2020-ci il, № 24 (5119).