e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article talks about the theoretical essence of physical education in secondary schools. It is known that the main goal of the subject "Physical education" which has a unique place among subjects is to develop a healthy way of thinking that values ​​maintaining a healthy lifestyle and engaging in physical activity. Today, physical education and sports are so widespread that every player wants to win a gold medal and participate in competitions, but he gets a gold medal only if he knows the sportsmanship well. It would be good if our students acquire many sports skills in physical education and sports rather than winning in competitions.

Thus, in this unstable environment, children must learn basic skills rather than knowledge and prioritize physical activity in their daily routines and develop attitudes that allow them to develop these skills throughout their lives. It is known that in the current situation, the proliferation of social networks is likely to require ways to overcome the physical symptoms and limitations that create physical fatigue and sedentary lifestyles in young people.

In the article, the theoretical essence of physical education in general education schools was investigated, traditional conceptual concepts and modern conceptual concepts were reflected. Also, the need to increase the efficiency of the didactic material prepared on physical development in the organization of methodical work has been proven. The practical benefit of the article is that it can be used as a useful resource in the daily preparation of physical education of students.


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physical education
secondary schools
traditional conceptual concepts
modern concepttual concepts физическое воспитание
общеобразовательная школа
традиционные концепции
современные концепции fiziki tərbiyə
bədən tərbiyəsi
ümumtəhsil məktəbləri
ənənəvi konseptual anlayışlar
müasir konseptual anlayışlar
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