e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The results of the study showed that the proposed load has a signifycant effect on the body of athletes, since the time for performing a set of exercises decreesed throughout the study from 90 to 50 minutes. At the same time, performing a complex of significant work, led to the fact that athletes performed work with an increase in heart rate from 150 beats/min to 160 beats/min. Such indicators characterize the body's aerobic energy supply. Testing of indicators of external respiration of judokas showed that VC practically did not change (0.25%), the strength of the muscles of inspiration increased by 8.5%, which significantly improved the inhalation of athletes and provided an additional amount of oxygen to the transport system of the body of judoists.The strength of the expiratory muscles increased by 7.6%, this increase allowed athletes to increase the utilization of carbohydrate dioxide from the body and significantly improve the redox processes during work. An increase in the strength of the muscles of inhalation and exhalation, respectively, led to an improvement in the rate of bronchial lung patency by 1.3%. Maximum ventilation increased by 7.6%. It was found that speed-power load has a positive effect on the indicators of external respiration and develops the aerobic performance of judokas.


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physical load
training process
working capacity
bronchial patency
speed - power load физическая нагрузка
тренировочный процесс
бронхиальная проходимость
скоростно – силовая нагрузка fiziki yüklər
məşq prosesi
iş qabiliyyəti
bronxial keçiricilik
sürət – güc yükləri

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