e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Definitıon of body positions in space
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The orientation of the athlete’s body in space is determined by angles formed by the coordinate axes parallel to the axes of the reference system and the athlete’s own axes. The reference system is a body conventionally considered immobile, relative to which the position of other bodies at different points in time is determined. The study of the movements of the human body links allows us to consider in more detail the movement of his body.In some cases, several moving links are considered as an integer part - then you can broadly capture the features of movements, although the mutual action of many links is not taken into account and their deformation is neglected. In the process, biomechanical laws of motor actions are established as a general program.


Донской Д.Д. Зациорский В.М. Биомеханика: Учебник для институтов физической культуры-М. Физкультура и спорт. 1979-264с.

В. И. Дубровский, В. Н. Федорова. Учебник для вузов. Биомеханика. Москва 2003.550 с.

Р. М. Энока. Основы кинезиологии. Киев. Олимпийское литература. 1998.400 с.

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Athlete’s body orientation
body movement
Euler angles
position of a point in space Ориентация тела спортсмена
перемещение тела
углы Эйлера
положения точки в пространстве idmançı bədəninin oriyentasiyası
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