The dynamics of biomechanical indicators in the formation of technical skills of young football players was studied by veloergometric method. Football is a complex technical game in terms of movement and activity. In order to re-measure the biomechanical parameters affecting the formation of technical skills of young football players of a 15-22 age group, measurements were carried out on InBody and Veloergometers with special loads. Analysis of the structure of biomechanical indicators influencing the formation of technical skills of young players in the age group of 15-22 showed that endurance and agility of young players increases in the age group of 15-18, and increases or decreases slightly in the age group of 18-22. The complexity of the organization of the initial movements is because the movements are based on each other when moving from one coordination to another. Therefore, changes in biomechanical parameters are possible not as a result of sensitive periods, but because of many years of continuous training.
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