e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article discusses the goals of marketing policy, the objectives of marketing policy, the features of marketing policy. The article also discusses the formation of an effective marketing policy in sports organizations, the components of a marketing policy.

The article states that the emergence of new participants in the sports business environment in the modern era and the expansion of the range of sporting goods have increased competition, resulting in the need to reconsider the role of marketing.

The tool or element of marketing policy is the price policy. The pricing policy of a sports organization includes selling prices, all stages of pricing, tactics for determining the initial price of goods, tactics for adjusting prices. By solving these issues, marketers set the most favorable price for sports goods, which helps to increase the profitability of the company.

The article notes that another means of marketing policy is the marketing promotion of sporting goods. Promotion is understood as a set of various activities aimed at conveying information about the benefits of a product to potential consumers and stimulating their desi-re to buy it. Modern commercial sports organizations use complex communication systems to communicate with intermediaries, clients, various partners, etc.


Məmmədov A.T. Marketinqin əsasları. Dərs vəsiti. Bakı 2006, 402s.

Obojına D.A. İdmanda marketinqin xüsusiyyətləri. Dərs vəsiti. Yekaterinburq Ural nəşriyyatı, 2017, 71s.

Con Biç İdman marketinqi. Pearson Education Limited, 2010, 708 s.

DeGaris L. Sports Marketing: A Practical Approach. London [u.a.]: Routledge, 2015, 282 p.

Shank M.D., Lyberger M.R. Sports Marketing: A strategic perspective. 5th edition. London [u.a.]:Routledge, 2015- 672p.

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marketing policy
marketing strategy
main features of marketing policy
sports goods and services in the market
positioning of a sports product
marketing policy tool
marketing mix
pricing policy of a sports organization
promotion of a sports product
marketing policy analysis sports organization маркетинговая политика
маркетинговая стратегия
основные черты маркетинговой политики
спортивные товары и услуги на рынке
позиционирование спортивного продукта
инструмент маркетинговой политики
маркетинговый комплекс
ценовая политика спортивной организации
продвижение спортивного продукта
анализ маркетинговой политики спортивная организация marketinq siyasəti
marketinq strategiyası
marketinq siyasətinin əsas xüsusiyyətləri
bazarda idman maları və xidmətləri
idman məhsulun mövqeləşdirilməsi
marketinq siyasətinin aləti
marketinq kompleksi
idman təşkilatının qiymət siyasəti
İdman məhsulunun təşviqi
İdman təşkilatının marketinq siyasətinin təhlili
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