e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Human health is one of the most important values in life, and it cannot be bought with any money. That is why it should be preserved and protected, developed and improved, refined and strengthened. Increase in the level of physical culture becomes relevant again and acquires special social significance in new information and communication environments. This stems from the objective role of physical culture and health-improving activities in the fulfilment of a life strategy aimed at finding one's own certainty of the qualitative parameters of life activity that are so necessary for a person to achieve both personal and social success. 


Balsevich V.K. Sports vector of physical education in the Russian school. (monograph) [Text]. V.K. Balsevich. M.: 2006.

Volkova L.M., Evseev V.V., Polovnikov P.V. Physical culture of students: state and ways of improvement. Monograph. [Text]. L.M. Volkova, V.V. Evseev, P.V. Polovnikov. St. Petersburg: SPbGPU, 2013. 153 p.

Evseev V.V., Namazov A.K., Sharnin N.P., Skorokhodov A.A. Problems of development of students' motivation for sports-oriented classes. In the collection: Actual problems of professionally applied physical culture and sports. interuniversity collection of scientific and methodological works. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 67-71.

Evseev V.V., Namazov A.K., Sharnin N.P. Physical culture and its values in the structure of life. In the collection: Strategic directions of reforming the university system of physical culture. collection of scientific papers of the V All-Russian Scientific and practical conference with international participation. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. 2018. pp. 27-30.

Evseev V.V., Polovnikov P.V., Volkova L.M. Physical education: an innovative way of development. Innovative technologies in the educational work of the university. Methodological recommenda-tions. Issue 5. St. Petersburg: Polytechnic Publishing House. un ta, 2014. pp. 13-21.

Evseev V.V., Sushchenko V.P., Namazov A.K., Sharnin N.P. Physical culture: formation of students' motivation for motor activity and health care. Health is the basis of human potential: problems and ways to solve them. 2018, vol. 13. No. 2. pp. 616-623.

Kadyrov R.M., Saveliev D.S., Zaitsev A.V. New approaches to determining standards for self-assessment of physical fitness of students based on freedom of choice. Theory and practice of physical culture. 2020. No. 3. pp. 52-54.

Ragozina N.A. Formation of an active life position among students and combating corruption in the field of sports. Physical culture of students. collection of materials of the 70th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the P.F. Lesgaft National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health. 2021. pp. 117-122.

Saveliev D.S., Grigoriev V.I., Gromov M.M. Imperatives of standardization of physical culture of students. Theory and practice of physical culture. 2018. No. 4. pp. 20-22.



emotionnal stress
physical education
healthy life style
physical activity здоровье
эмоциональный стресс
физическая культура
здоровый образ жизни
физическая активность sağlamlıq
emosional stress
bədən tərbiyəsi
sağlam həyat tərzi
fiziki fəaliyyət

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