e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
FORMATION OF BUSINESS AND ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION IN RUSSIAN FOR STUDENTS OF THE COACHING FACULTY (on the example of the open lesson "The Art of a Coach. Azerbaijan at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Official parts of speech")
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The priority of the competency-based approach directs ASAPES teachers to educate socially and professionally competitive sports professionals (teachers, coaches, journalists, commentators, managers, doc-tors, rehabilitators) through technological mastery of business and academic communication in a foreign language. The article deals with the problem of formation of communicative and linguistic competence of future ASAPES bachelors, which is interpreted in the educational program as a personal ability to successfully implement constructive, organizational, epistemological, communicative skills in professional activities. As leading concepts, the concepts of "communication", "competence" are updated. An innovative technology for improving the multi-level language competencies of students of the Faculty of Coaching was tested using a variety of teaching aids that encourage them to successful academic and business communication in Russian. This article presents the algorithm for conducting an open lesson in the Russian language, held on April 28, 2023 in the group 112A16-rus1: work on the text, creative exercises, types of academic writing, thematic discussions on topics in the world of sports, elements of business games, solving sports cases.


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ASAPES rating
competitive personnel
communication motivation
coaching faculty
Russian language
linguo-communicative competence рейтинг ASAPES
конкурентноспособные кадры
мотивированность коммуникации
факультет «тренерство»
русский язык
лингвокоммуникативная компетентность ASAPES reytinqi
rəqabət qabiliyyətli kadrlar
ünsiyyət motivasiyası
Məşqçilik fakültəsi
rus dili
linqvokommunikativ səriştə
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