The article deals with topical issues of professional training of bachelors of the sports academy in the aspect of educational technology. To be successful in professional activities, a modern specialist needs to master the skills of speech culture to perfection, to have linguistic, communicative and behavioral competence in communication. Communication permeates all spheres of human activity, therefore it is studied by many sciences. The culture of professional speech includes: possession of the terminology of this specialty; the ability to build a speech on a current professional topic; the ability to organize a professional dialogue and manage it; ability to communicate on sports activities. Business conversation is one of the most common forms of business communication. This study proposes an effective technology for teaching academic (scientific) and business (professional) communication of Azerbaijani students in Russian. The ability of specialists in physical culture and sports to communicate, mastering the communicative side of professional activity is a necessary condition for its effectiveness, efficiency and success.
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