e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Physical loads are one of the natural factors that affect the human body the most. Adaptation to physical loads increases the body's resistance to a wide range of damaging effects of the environment.It is known that in case of a harmful influence of the same stress factors, the stressreaction of the people trained for physical loads is not so intenive, as the reaction of slowmoving, not trained people and their resistance to stress is higher.

The study of the objective laws of adaptation processes of a person to the factors of environment is one of the urgent problems of a modern science. During adaptation the characteristics and qualities which are the most useful for an organism are formed. There can be cross defensive effects of adaptation – the situations when the adaptation to a definite factor influence increases the resistance of an organism to a harmful influence of the other factors.


Балашова В.В. Здоровье формирующие технологии в физическом воспитании студентов Тольяттинского государственного университета. В.В. Балашова. Теор. и практ. физ. культ. 2015, № 3, c. 43-45.

Ванюшин Ю.С., Ситдиков Ф.Т. Адатация сердечной деятельности подростков к нагрузке повышающейся мошпоети . Ж. Физиолигия человека. 2018, т. 27, №1, с. 91-97.

Меерсон Ф.З., Пшенникова М.Г. Адаптация к стрессорным ситуациям и физическим нагрузкам. М.: Медицина, 2019, 140 с.

Eller N.H. Total power and high frequency components of heart rate variability and risk factors for atherosclerosis. N.H. Eller Auton. Neurosci. 2016, v. 131, No 1-2, p. 103-110.

Jones P.P. Gender does not influence sympathetic neural reactivity to stress in healthy humans. P.P.Jones, M. Spraul, K.S. Matt, D.R. Seals, J.S. Skinner, E. Ravussin // Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 2017, v. 270, No 2, p. 240-247.

Maaroos J. Anthropometric indices and physical fitness in university undergraduates with different physical activity. J. Maaroos, A. Landor // Anthropol. Anz. 2018, v. 59, No 1, p. 97-103.

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physical activity
physical loads
mental workload
heart rate адаптация
физическая активность
физическая нагрузка
умственная нагрузка
частота сокращений сердца adaptasiya
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