e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
İmpact of physical training on the features of morphofunctional formation and physical development of schoolchildren (10-15 years)
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article describes the impact of physical training lessons on features of morph functional formation and physical development of 10-15 years old children, studying in secondary schools. It is known that children and adolescents are most sensitive to adverse environmental changes. This especially affects the development of children in crisis periods of life, when the formation of morph functional indicators of organs and systems occurs, one of these periods is the puberty period. It was found that the boys' body weight in all age groups exceeded the norm and was above average, and at 11, 13 and 14 years old - at very high values (90-97 centiles). At 12 years old, the boys had normal indicators of body weight, and the same children a year later added more than 15 kg. In other age groups, the increase in body weight per year did not exceed 3-5 kg, but still, this indicator was above average. In terms of body weight, a tendency is not observed in girls as in boys. The girls showed a sharp increase in body weight over the year in the period of 10-11 years, body weight increased by 13 kg and went beyond the norm. For girls in the period of 11-12 years, body weight was within the normal range. However, in girls of 12–13 years old and 13–14 years old, body mass exceeded average values and the normative border was stabilized the next year.We can say that within 10-15 days there is a clear tendency to accelerate the physical development of schoolchildren, especially along the body length, body weight, which accompanies an increase in physical and educational load on the cardiovascular system, which must now be taken into account when working with this category.


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morphofunctional formation
age groups
physical development
harmonious physical development
functionality морфофункциональные становления
возрастные группы
физическое развитие
гормоничное физическое развитие
функциональные возможности morfofunksional inkişaf
yaş qrupları
fiziki inkişaf
harmonik fiziki inkişaf
funksional imkanlar

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