e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Influence of motor activity on functional indicators and morphofunctional formation of schoolchildren at age of 14-15
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article describes the influence of motor activity of different character on functional indicators and morphofunctional formation of schoolchildren of 14-15 years old. It was found that an analysis of the influence of motor activity on the physical development of adolescents showed that until the eighth form the number of schoolchildren with harmonious development did not undergo significant changes and averaged 66%. The number of underweight students increased from 11% to 22.2%, while the number with normal indicators decreased from 23% to 13.3%. The number of girls with harmonious development was 42.8%. The number of overweight girls increased to 4.8%. The increase in the number of students with less body weight was 28%. Students with an excess body weight of 9.5% developed harmoniously due to a decrease in body weight. Disharmonious development in girls remained at 9.6% due to the extra body weight, and due to insufficient weight, it remained at 4.8%. The number of boys with harmonious physical development made 66.6%. The number of underweight boys increased up to 11.1 %, while the number of overweight boys remained unchanged. 5.6% of schoolchildren were observed due to weight loss. A decrease in overweight in 11.3% and a decrease in weight in 5.6% of schoolchildren led to disharmonious development. So. as a result of application of experimental motor activity (physical training), a positive dynamics was observed in physical development.


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morphofunctional formation
age groups
physical development
harmonious physical development
functionality двигательная активность
морфофункциональное становление
физическое воспитание
функциональные возможности
физическое развитие
гармоничное и дисгармоничное развитие hərəkət aktivliyi
morfofunksional vəziyyət
fiziki tərbiyə
funksional imkanlar
fiziki inkişaf
harmonik və disharmonik inkişaf
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