e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Yoga is, in essence, a spiritual order aimed at harmonizing the body, breath, mind, heart and soul for a single life. It is the science of living a healthy, peaceful and harmonious life with oneself and others. The practice of yoga causes the individual consciousness to merge with the Universal Consciousness. This shows that there is a perfect harmony between mind and body, between man and nature.

The main purpose of yoga is to actualize and realize oneself. Yoga is a 5,000-year-old Indian teaching created by Hindu sages who invented and called this philosophical system. Yoga should be understood as a method that improves the body and memory and becomes a way of life.

Yoga is not just a philosophy! It is also a discipline, a practical tool for adapting Body, Mind, Emotion and Energy. Yoga is not just a philosophy, it's not something you can think of, it's something someone has to live and be. Yoga is concerned with the roots of our lives and our common existence.

Yoga is not a book, yoga is a discipline. This is not a religion at all, yoga is a pure science that serves all mankind impartially, such as mathematics, physics or chemistry, as well as the pure science and mathematics of the inner being.


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Dünyanın sevdiyi beş məşhur yoqa pozasının arxasında nə dayanır? BBC radio-4 də derc yazının orjinalı.

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