e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The modern economy affects the development of entrepreneurship in the field of Physical Culture and sports, the increase in the number of owners of physical education and sports organizations, the increase in the diversity of their organizational and legal forms, and the improvement of the quality of physical education and sports services.

As in all the leading countries of the world, sport is being developed in Azerbaijan and is one of the priority areas of the country's welfare. In this regard, the topic of the article is very relevant in modern times.

As in all leading countries of the world, a great place is given to the development of sports in Azerbaijan and it is one of the priority areas of the government. In this regard, the topic of the article is very relevant in modern times.

The purpose of the article is to justify the subordination of the activities of sports organizations to the objective regularities of the business environment, their current activities and further development directions.

The article includes the existing fundamental concepts and approaches of researchers of both foreign and local sports field to the development of entrepreneurship, the concept of the formation of business structures, modern management methods for the development of sports organizations. 


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Gənclər və İdman Nazirliyi.




sports organizations
sports entrepreneurship
sustainable development спортивные организации
спортивное предпринимательство
устойчивое развитие idman təşkilatları
idman sahibkarlığı
davamlı inkişaf
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