e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The periodicity of all physiological and biochemical processes in living organisms is associated with biorhythms. Biorhythm has three harmonies: physical, emotional and mental. The regularity of biorhythms and the sequence of daily cycles are important for the normal functioning of the body. The indicators of athletes participating in competitions are associated with biorhythms.


Ələkbərov M. Bioritmlərə əsasən müalicə. 1996.

Baouche K., Baizid A., Laidani H., Saidi A. Ganızıng bıorhythm cycles and theır ımportance to athletes ın the context of the requırements of modern sports traınıng. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science 2017, vol. 3, issue 10, pp. 375-384.

Ehsani A., Parsa Y. Biorhythm based on the theory of industrial management decision-making process for the implementation of automation in production units. 2nd International conference on industrial Automation. 2011; P. 11-16. (Article in Farsi).

Moemeni P.S., Shabani B.G. The Determination of Relationship between Biorhythm (Physical Cycle) and Sport Performance in Athletes of Individual Sports in Hamadan Province. Master thesis Physical Education, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan; 2012.

Moldovan E., Enoiu R.S., Ruxanda R.A., Leibovici A. The influence of the human biorhythm in the performance sport activity. Gymnasium, 2011, 12, pp.34-46.

Parikh R.H., Askhedkar R.D., Singh M.P. Biorhythms for accident prevention. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Advances in Engineering, 2010, vol. 2, No 1, pp. 217-232.

Shafiee S., Rahim R., Hakime A., Vahid R. The relationship between biorhythm (physical cycle) and sports performance in women’s basketball. Physical education of students. 2016, vol.20, No 3, pp. 58- 4

Zareian E., Rabbani V., Saeedi F. The effect of physical biorhythm cycle on some physical fitness factors of adolescent volleyball players. Annals of pplied Sport Science, 2014, vol 2, No 1, pp. 11-20

http://skepdic.com/biorhyth.html. Erişim tarihi Eylül 12, 2014.

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biorhythm curves
performance биоритм
кривые биоритмов
перформанс bioritm
bioritm əyriləri

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