e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Study of functional properties basketball-players of the heart in dynamics of training process
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Adaptation and recovery capabilities of cardio-vascular system of the students-basketball-players under conditions of anaerobic physical loading (Ruffye test) on preparatory, competition and intermediate stages of the training process were studied. The analysis of the results of the studies showed that on the intermediate stage the adaptation and recovery functions of circulatory system exceed these functions on the preparatory and competition stages. Different degrees of perfectness of the mechanisms regulating adaptation and recovery capabilities of the organism of the basketball-players are defined.


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"Bədən tərbiyəsi və idmanda müasir elmi tədqiqat işlərinin inkişaf perspektivləri" mövzusunda professor-meəllim heyətinin elmi praktik konfransının materialları
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stages of the training process
Ruffye test
frequency of heart beats
adaptation and recovery capabilities
of the organism of the basketball-players Студенты-баскетболисты
этапы тренировочного процесса
тест Руффье
частота сердечных сокращений
məşq prosesinin dövrləri
Ruffye testi
ürək vurquların sayı
bərpa Tələbə-basketbolçular
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