e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Analysis of various conflict situations has allowed us to identify some of them. First of all, it is necessary to differentiate according to the direction of the conflicts, the important value system of the people who joined them, the necessity, the strength of ideas. Of course, the scale of the conflict and the number of people involved may vary. It can be classified on this basis: social, intergroup, interpersonal and personal conflicts. All these types of conflicts manifest themselves in sports in one form or another.

Conflict, as an extreme form of negative attitudes, aggravates all contradictions and disagreements, increases the emotional irritability and mental tension of individuals in conflict, the whole team. Everyone in the conflict has a strong sense of what to endure in the conflict, what suffering and feelings to experience. Personal answers remain insignificant and do not give the desired effect. In order to strengthen them, they develop ways, means and methods to influence the enemy, which can cause him more pain, anxiety and harm.


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conflicts in the coach-athlete relationship
interpersonal relationships
psychological climate конфликты во взаимоотношениях тренера и спортсмена
межличностные отношения
психологический климат məşqçi – idmançı münasibətlərində münaqişələr
fikir ayrılığı
şəxslərarası əlaqələr
psixoloji iqlim