The main purpose of the article was the issues related to the study of the physiological characteristics of young karatekas at the preparatory stage of the annual training cycle. The system of physical training of karatekas was studied based on the analysis of the existing scientific and methodological experience and the results obtained. As a result of the analysis of scientific and experimental results, the content and technology of preparatory exercises in young karatekas were substantiated, methods of regulation of this process were identified, scientific and practical results of experimental significance were obtained.
It has been established that the optimal ratio of general physical fitness and special physical fitness is at the preparatory stage of the annual exercise. The basis of general physical training includes the development of basic physiological indicators and coordinating qualities in karate young people, general developmental motor tasks, methods that allow to carry out both general and part-time regulation of exercise loads and methodological indicators that help with general organizational. The effectiveness of the content of general physical training for young karatekas, as well as the results of the obtained experimental and experimental research, are also revealed in increasing the level of physical and coordination training in them. Based on the analysis of the results from both groups, it was found that reliable changes in the examined were noticeble in the experimental group.
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