e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article reflects the characteristics of the power capabilities of older children engaged in karate.

It should be noted that muscle strength is an important physical characteristic for karate athletes, which determines the speed of movement, agility and endurance of the athlete. It also became known that in order to identify the strength properties of athletes in this sport, the cross-section of the muscle fibers of the central nervous system and the biochemical processes occurring in the muscles depend.

Strength training has a positive effect on the growth of muscle strength in young athletes, leads to an increase in strength capabilities. It should also be borne in mind that in many sports it is a vital factor, therefore, for training this quality, its partial inclusion in training programs is important.

Analysis of the literature sources of the results of pedagogical experiments has shown that strength exercises are important during the period of training of adolescents, the development and application of motor complexes for their effective training helps to control the effective development of this quality. From comparing the results of the experiments, it became clear that at the end of the experiments, the best indicators were observed in the karateka of the control group and the experimental group after completing each of the four mandatory tasks.


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physical qualities
young karate players
physical training физические качества
спортивная борьба
юные каратисты
физическая подготовка
физические нагрузки fiziki keyfiyyətlər
idman mübarizəsi
gənc karateçilər
fiziki hazırlıq
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