e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


It is known that motor skills, speed, strength, agility and endurance are always expressed in a certain coordination. Therefore, it is necessary to develop them not only in general, but also taking into account the game activity and increase the intensity of performance of these motor skills. Increasing the pace of play increases the need for quick thinking and reaction, attention and other functions of the central nervous system. It should be noted that long-term technical elements can not be performed at low and medium intensity, because these skills are remembered at a slow pace. The most difficult problem in modern times in adolescent handball is the acquisition of rational game techniques that simultaneously solve two goals and the choice of actions aimed at the development of important physical qualities in them.

It is important to include the main directions of speed and strength quality training in the training program at the initial stage of training of handball players and during the annual training. The main directions of training the quality of speed and strength in handball players during the annual training should be acrobatics, strength, speed-strength movements should be 60-70% of the total amount of physical training. Given the low strength of adolescents in the organization of the training process, it is important to do weight-bearing exercises in a timely manner. It is important to focus on those muscles that are quite active in daily life.

In modern times, the country is optimizing the process of training handball professsionals by analyzing training programs to study the dynamics of speed and strength endurance and morphofunctional indicators of professional athletes during the annual training period, the establishment of trainings with modern and profiled, new test methods.

If the main directions of speed and strength quality training in handball players during the annual training are developed at the level of modern requirements, it is possible to achieve the optimal variant of physical activity if the dynamics of morphofunctional indicators is controlled during the annual training process.


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speed-power quality
annual training period
handball players' competitive activity
physical load
physical training
musculoskeletal system
technical tricks скорость и сила качества
годовой период обучения
гандболисты соревновательная деятельность
физическая нагрузка
физическая подготовка
костномышечная система
технические приемы sürət-güc keyfiyyəti
illik məşq dövrü
həndbolçuların yarış fəaliyyəti
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