One of the most important issues during training is the evaluation of the cardiopulmonary system in athletes. Before training, the indicators of the cardiopulmonary system (oxygen intake, vital capacity of the lungs, functional work of the lungs and heart, the number of heart beats, etc.) should be determined in a calm state, and then those indicators should be determined and compared during training, the preparation of the athlete for the training period should be based on these results. should be done mainly. Various tests are used to determine these indicators. One of these tests is the CPET (Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test). In the article, the state of the cardio-pulmonary system during exercise, its assessment through this test is analyzed based on various literature sources. Currently, this topic is very relevant, because we meet athletes who have certain problems in the cardiopulmonary system that cause discomfort during training. As a result, it prevents athletes from showing high performance and high re-sults.
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Book: CPET Made Simple. Published online: 04 April 2024. Print publication: 11 April 2024, pp 3-4. Chapter-1.