The article is devoted to the survey of the relationship between risk preparedness factors and self-relational components among students of a polytechnic university. Separate factors of self-attitude, the degree of preparedness for risk and the personal characteristics of students of engineering specialties are considered. The studied indicators and their relationships are described by the example of two groups of students: those involved in sports under the general education program and student athletes. It is concluded that the indicators of risk preparedness and a number of indicators of self-attitude reliably differ among respondents in both groups. Risk preparedness is significantly associated with self-esteem, with the recognition of the value of your own “I”, with the idea of self as a source of activity, results and achievements. The correlation of risk appetite is also self-acceptance and confidence in the availability of public acceptance and approval.
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Olennikova, M.V., Kasyanik, P.M., Gulk, E.B., Zakharov, K.P., Kruglikov, V.N. Traditions and Experience in Studying Metric Intellect in Students. In: Auer M., Guralnick D., Simonics I. (eds) Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. ICL 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 716, 2018, pp. 301-309