e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In the 21st century, the new stage of scientific and technical progress called the information revolution, along with its results aimed at improving the standard of living and social welfare, has also stimulated the development and expansion of new forms of crime that threaten national, military, political, and especially social security. At present, illegally entering the cyber system of countries, exploiting or disrupting the system has become a threat factor for national security. Intentional or unauthorized access to the system of information or electronic devices, processes, and technologies used during data processing, cyber-attacks carried out for the purpose of its manipulation or destruction caused a doubling of intellectual property losses. Science and technology are aimed at improving people's lifestyle, but the speed of information technology has increased the mobility of life and created new security concerns. The formation of the new world order of the 21st century has led to the manifestation of criminality in new forms, which threatens the well-being and general existence of people. Nowadays, classic crimes such as theft and fraud have gained a virtual possibility without physical contact or being in the same place with the victim. An exhaustive and comprehensive definition of cybercrime, which has emerged not only every year, but even every month, in recent decades, would be incomplete even if it existed today. In addition, there are numerous, narrow and broad explanations and definitions of cyber threats and crimes.


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Роговский Е.А. Политика США по обеспечению безопасности киберпространства. США и Канада: экономика, политика, культура, 2012, № 6, c. 3-22.

Храмчихин А.А. Стратегические концепции Китая в геополитическом аспекте. Международные научные исследования, 2011, № 3-4, c. 18-23.

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AFPD 10-7, Information Operations, USAF, 2006, 29 p.

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cyber security
cyber attack
cyber threat
information warfare
information operations киберпреступность
информационная война
информационные операции kibercinayətkarlıq
informasiya müharibәsi
informasiya әmәliyyatları
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