The security and development indicators of each country are also determined by the relations with its neighbors. Which country does not experience political conflicts with its neighbors, has warm relations and cooperates, that country gains an additional advantage for its security and sustainnable development. Such relations affect the fate of the region as well. This principle is clearly expressed in Azerbaijan's foreign policy - strengthening and diversification of cooperative relations with neighbors. Having gained reputation as a reliable partner on a global scale, Azerbaijan has a high reputation as a locomotive of the region. Official Baku, of course, has bilateral and multilateral cooperation relations on various platforms with all countries of the region where it is located, except for the occupying Armenia. This shows itself in political relations and foreign trade.
Prezident İlham Əliyev Türkiyənin xarici işlər, milli müdafiə nazirlərini və Milli Kəşfiyyat İdarəsinin rəisini qəbul edib: [Elektron resurs]. 10.11.2020. URL: nazirlerini-ve-milli-kesfiyyat -idaresinin-reisini-qebul-edi-33797.html.
Какое оружие Азербайджан покупал у России. Экспорт российского вооружения: [Электронный ресурс]. 25.09.2018.
URL: https://
The second Karabakh war as a new generation warfare. The proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the anniversary of the victory achieved in the 44 day patriotic war. October 21–22, 2021 Baku, Azerbaijan..