e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In Greco-Roman wrestling, as in other types of martial arts, the physiological content of sports training includes the creation of functional prerequisites for achieving sports results. Sports uniform is optimal preparation for achieving sports results. It reflects the highest level of development of an athlete’s training at a certain level of skill. Optimal preparation of the body is characterized by a high functional limit of individual organs and systems, ideal coordination of labor processes and the possibility of enhancing their functions, resistance to the influence of negative factors of the external and internal environment. Sports form is characterized by a special psychological background, closely related to physiological changes in the functions of the kinesthetic analyzer (for example, the “sense of water” in swimmers, the “sense of snow” in skiers, etc.). In the case of sports form, the role of conscious control and the ability to regulate the emotional state increases. Gradually, such a wide and complex set of changes is being formed in the areas of motor, autonomic and mental activity. It takes 5-6 months to get in shape. These periods also determine the length of the preparatory period during the annual training period.


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Тараканов П.Н. Развитие ловкости у борцов. П.Н.Тараканов, С.Н.Никитин. Л., 2019, 200 с.

Чудаков А.В. Совмещение маневров и предатаковых подготовок как показатель технико-тактической подготовленности в греко-римской борьбе. А.В. Чудаков, О.Б.Малков // Тактика спортивных единоборств. Вып. 3. М.: ФОН, 2023, c. 40–47

Шулика Ю.А. Греко-римская борьба: учебник для СДЮШОР, спортивных факультетов педагогических институтов. Ю.А. Шулика. М.: Феникс, 2016, 800 с.

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Greco-Roman wrestling
physiological changes
young athletes
sports uniform
kinetic analyzer
physical effort
physiological criteria греко-римская борьба
физиологические изменения
юные спортсмены
спортивная форма
кинетический анализатор
физическое усилие
физиологические критерии Yunan-Roma güləşi
fizioloji dəyişikliklər
gənc idmançılar
idman forması
kinetik analizator
fiziki səy
fizioloji meyar
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