The idea of integrating sports with art is not new, it first appeared in ancient Greece. As you know, not only athletes, but also singers, musicians, orators were held in the Isthmian, Panafine, Pythian, and Nemean games.
In the following years, the idea of strengthening the unity of sports and art was voiced and supported by many scientists and public figures. Even Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic movement, was a deep supporter of this idea. In his works, he has repeatedly mentioned the need for sports and art to complement each other and strengthen the relationship.
In recent decades, numerous and practical steps have been taken in the direction of strengthening the unity of sports and art.
The purpose of this article is to characterize their content, characteristics, as well as their socio-cultural and pedagogical significance, based on the experience of organizing and holding the "Spartan Games" for many years.
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