In this article, the authors clarify the factors that are capable of effecttively influencing the level of physical fitness of military personnel in the conditions of today and the army of the future, taking into account the main trends in the development of elite sports, since it is in this area that all modern achievements of scientists and practitioners are implemented and tested. This is due to the fact that, apart from highly qualified athletes, no one practically reaches the limiting modes of body functioning in the process of solving various motor tasks. Therefore, the experience of elite sports is the only source of information about the prospects for the physical improvement of a person, and hence for optimizing the combat training of military personnel. After all, athletes in the process of training and competition bring their body to states on the verge of normal and pathological conditions, which experts consider to be a model of human activity in extreme situations. Moreover, a number of the most motor actions for solving combat missions can be performed only by specially trained fighters. Azərbaycan Respublikası Müdafiə Nazirliyi.
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