e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In our modern era, programs (curriculum) and textbooks are strictly controlled to develop both written and oral speech of students in primary classes. It is the development of speech that takes the main place in every lesson on the mother tongue. The main lesson in almost every lesson is the development of speech. The primary school teacher should organize the lesson in such a way that the student learns both grammatical theory and spelling habits. At the same time, in addition to this, students should be able to pronounce words correctly, choose them correctly and in the right place, and make sentences. They should be able to talk about what they read, hear and see, and express their own and others' opinions. Students should be able to use words accurately and correctly when speaking or writing about their life experiences. They should also know how to construct sentences grammatically. Therefore, work on vocabulary and sentences should be done to develop coherent speech. This process is the main preparatory stage for developing communicative speech. If the student does not use words correctly and appropriately when explaining his idea, then we cannot talk about communicative speech. These issues are extensively analyzed in the article.


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speech culture
ways of speech development
writing речевая культура
пути развития речи
письмо nitq mədəniyyəti
nitqi inkişaf yolları
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