e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Sensory functions, especially vestibular and auditory functions, are one of the main criteria for assessing human health, social adequacy, professional suitability and work ability. The vestibular apparatus plays a decisive role throughout the entire activity of a person, both in rest and movement, as well as in a person's professional activity. It has an extremely important effect on motor memory mechanisms, which are the basis of all forms of human motor activity, including professional forms of activity. The vestibular system significantly surpasses the awareness of all other analyzers with its extremely acute sensitivity, dynamism and awareness of the symptoms of diseases of the auditory labyrinth, as well as the high awareness of different parts of the brain. The vestibular apparatus is one of the first systems to respond to any disorder in the body.

Specialists in physical education and sports work on physical-sports activities aimed at the development of the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements, conduct continuous research and constantly improve. Currently, the importance and relevance of this direction in sports education, the fact that it is not paid enough attention in practice determines the relevance of the article. Sports such as martial arts, basketball, volleyball, football, gymnastics and acrobatics are very popular among the youth nowadays because they are in line with the modern trends and the needs of people, especially the youth.


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vestibular apparatus
traumatic brain injury вестибулярный аппарат
черепномозговая травма vestibulyar aparat
travmatik beyin zədəsi
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