e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


In the study, the role of attention in the psychological preparation of the athlete and the improvement of his performance is justified theoretically and practically. In addition to the athlete's physical preparation, his psychological preparation is also considered necessary. Since attention is essentially considered a psychophysiological process, from the point of view of the possibility of determining the course of other psychological processes, taking it as the main factor in the preparation process of the athlete determines the essence of the research work. The research work reflects the proposal of effective methods used in the prevention of attention disorders in athletes and examples of their practical application. Circumstances where the athlete's attention may be diverted are defined, and suggestions and methods for solving them are presented in a justified form.


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psychological preparation
physical preparation
psychophysiological process
cognitive process
internal and external stimuli
distribution of attention психологическая подготовка
физическая подготовка
психофизиологический процесс
когнитивный процесс
внутренние и внешние раздражители
распределение внимания psixoloji hazırlıq
fiziki hazırlıq
psixofizioloji proses
koqnitiv proses
daxili və xarici stimullar
diqqətin paylanması
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