e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Football contributes to the development of young people, the improvement of their physical qualities, and the formation of important character traits such as createvity, responsibility for tasks, and perseverance. This is of course very important. A person with such qualities is capable of bringing great benefits to society. According to the consensus of leading soccer experts and coaches, the goalkeeper is the mainstay of a soccer team. The performance of the team depends more on its level of play. The great importance and contribution of the goalkeeper to the team's game puts increasing demands on the methodology of his training. There is some empirical experience in the training of goalkeepers in football, which has been little studied until now.

In this aspect, based on the results, studying the structure of competitive activity with the preparation of a non-traditional technical training program for 13-14-year-old goalkeepers is the main and actual direction of this work, it is of great practical and theoretical interest.


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