The success of any state in the field of sports is an important criterion that determines the overall development level and economic potential of that country. From this point of view, it can be said that Azerbaijan's achievements in various fields of sports are in harmony with its dynamic development. Today, creating a healthy society is the strategic goal of our state. In this sense, every Azerbaijani showing interest in sports and regularly engaging in sports are issues that are kept in the center of attention. Of course, the provision of mass participation in various sports by the state means the formation of a healthy, strong and patriotic generation. In this sense, it is necessary to involve every citizen of the state, especially minors with disabilities, in sports, and to develop the children's Paralympic movement in our country.
The article provides a brief overview of the history of the Paralympic movement in Azerbaijan, the development of the children's Paralympic movement in our republic over the past years, the mutual relations established with various international organizations, as well as the measures implemented in this direction and their results.
Azərbaycan Respublikası Əlillər Təşkilatları İttifaqı.
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Məcidov N.B. Bədən tərbiyəsinin nəzəriyyəsi və metodikası (dərslik), II hissə: Əhalinin fiziki tərbiyəsi. Bakı: “Müəllim” nəşriyyatı, 2020, 224 s.