In boxing competitions, the main officials are a technical delegate, a deputy technical delegate, an international technical delegate, experts evaluating the work of referees and judges, a medical jury, a competition manager, referees and judges. If the current coaches, referees, judges, team leaders and others have been disqualified for more than six months, they cannot be appointed technical delegates. This case can be noted as a positive indicator in the organization and conduct of competitions. The technical delegate must monitor the activities of the referee and judges, as well as the score, suspend the activities of violators of the rules immediately, and not after the competition, and these persons must be suspended from participation in the remaining days of the competition. These and similar relevant changes made to the activities of officials are aimed at increasing objectivity in the sport of boxing.
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AIBA Technical and competition rules. AIBA reserves the right to amend these rules as required. Electronic resource iba. sport/ Effective as of septembes 20, 2021, p.108.