e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Experts in professional and youth football emphasize that the leading teams do not have the necessary influx of young technically and tactically trained athletes. Experts attribute this to the fact that in order to improve the sportsmanship of players in the training process, they ought to be trained without pre-set game tasks. In this paper, we will try to substantiate scientific approaches in the formation of sportsmanship of young football players. In the process of implementing a long-term program for the development of sports reserves of professional football, an analysis of the features of coaching activities was carried out. It turned out that the main goal of the activity of coaches of youth football teams today is not the quality and effecttiveness of the training process aimed at personal development and training of a player who is able to approach the game creatively, but the result. Making changes to the longterm training process of young football players based on the use of the game method, which is the key to effective training, the development of individual skills and game intelligence, as well as the system of phased (gradual) formation of sports skills of young players will determine the professional potential of the player in the future.


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