The article discusses the relationship between the level of physical development and physical fitness of young athletes involved in weightlifting and the results of their sports activities. It was found that the examined athletes had physical development (body weight, body length, length of the upper and lower limbs, pelvic width, lung volume, dynamometric indicators of the right and left hands, torso muscle strength) and physical fitness (speed, strength, strength endurance, coordination ability, general endurance, agility) were determined and analyzed by comparison with the results obtained during the race. The line of dependence between sports results and the level of physical development and physical fitness was carried out by the correlation method. It has been established that the index of weight and height in young weightlifters directly depends on the level of development of the absolute strength of the muscles of the trunk, arms and legs. Here the strength of the arm is very great, the explosive strength of the muscles, the role of the trunk and the opening muscles of the trunk. It is known that with a significant increase in strength endurance in weightlifting, depending on age, there is a positive trend in achieving high sports results.
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