The article deals with the victory and heroism of students and graduates of the Sports Academy in the Second Karabakh War; the next Armenian attack on Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020; the 44-day Second Karabakh War; the signing of the Decree by Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev; the message of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the people of Azerbaijan “Get up Azerbaijan”; the far-sighted policy of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev; the sense of his high authority in the world; students and graduates of the sports academy killed and wounded in the First and Second Karabakh wars; the painful path that we have passed since ensuring the national sovereignty of the Azerbaijani people and some other problems.
Quliyev D.Q. ?id=48027, “Qarabağ bizimdir, Qarabağ Azərbaycan-dır!”.
Quliyev D.Q. 17356/ikinci-qarabag-muharibesinde-idman-akademiyasinin-vetenperverlik-numunesi-2021-04-14-113806. İkinci Qa-rabağ müharibəsində idman akademiya-sının vətənpərvərlik nümunəsi.
Quliyev D.Q. Qarabağ müharibəsində idman akademiyasinin şəhid idmançiları kitabı (əl yazması, çapdadır, 347 səh.)