Stress is an emotional state that a person experiences when faced with unexpected situations. Thus, is it is a state that manifests itself in a person when it is necessary to make an independent decision in a sudden dangerous or diffıcult situation. In modern times, in the conditions of scientific and technological proqress, such emotional states are often observed in people. When passengers fly on an airplane, the operator often experiences tension and stress when they encounter an accident.
Əmrahlı L., Rzayeva N. Uşaq psixologiyası. Bakı, 2015, 47s.
Mamayeva N.Ə., Babanlı Y.M. Şəxsiyyətin fərdi xüsusiyyətləri. Dərs vəsaiti, Bakı, 2016. 60 s.
Dr. David Burns İyi Hissetmek. Ankara, 2016, 19 s.
Dr. David Burns Panikataka ve Stress Ankara, 2015, 25 s.