The article discusses the general concepts of biomechanical laws of the formation and development of the mechanism of human stability and quantitative control of stability, the problems and the importance of creating complex biomechanical instrumental techniques for studying vertical posture, the need for scientific justification of the requirements for technical means for developing technology for determining the quality of stability.
Scientifically based approaches to resolving the contradictions between need and the existing level of development of science are proposed.
The importance of the need to expand scientific knowledge and new methods for studying the biomechanism of stability in various fields of human activity, including in sports, in the pedagogy of physical education of the younger generation on the issues of biomechanics, metrology and ergonomics of human motor activity, is emphasized, and the relevance of improving the effectiveness of training is emphasized and training in sports in an era of intense competition and its dependence on the introduction of new technologies and innovations.
Also considered are the roles of modern simulator - analyzers in the rehabilitation of athletes' health.
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