e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The game is a natural tool for students to understand the world around them. Therefore, it should be part of their learning, including learning foreign languages. The purpose of this article is to describe the game, its classification and the benefits of teaching English. In addition, the game is a key tool for teaching. Different ways of using games in language lessons are also described in various studies.

Games have many advantages for both language teachers and learners. Students are encouraged to learn the target language when they are involved in games and have fun without noticing that they are learning the target language, and it is a pleasure for the teacher to present the language in a pleasant environment that makes the work strong. Another advantage of using games in a foreign language environment is to clarify stressful moments. A stress-free environment must be provided in the language learning environment. At this point, games are very useful because students do not feel any anxiety and their positive feelings increase and their selfconfidence improves because they are not afraid of being punished and criticized when they use language freely.


Cameron L. Children learning a foreign language Games In Teaching Languages to Young, 2015.

Davies M. Outdoors: An important context for young children’s development. Early Child Development and Care, 2017.

Hong L. Using Games in Teaching English to Young Learners. The Internet TESL Journal, 2019.

Martin P. Outdoor adventure in promoting relationships with nature. Australian Journal of Outdoor Education, 2016.

Petrovic E.P. Games in the Language Classroom-To Play is to Learn. Retrieved January 24, 2016.

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movement games
speech development
language application
speech improvement подвижные игры
уверенность в себе
развитие речи
применение языка
улучшение речи açıq hava oyunları
nitqin inkişafı
dilin tətbiqi
nitqin təkmilləşməsi