e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Gymnastics belongs to the group of complex coordination sports. In this sport, most exercises are associated with the manifestation of speed and speed-power abilities. The effort in performing gymnastic elements is characterized by a high concentration in time. However, the technique of high-speed and speed-power training of gymnasts is not developed enough. Special studies have shown that the most favorable period for the development of high-speed and speed-power qualities is childhood and adolescence. Currently, speed and speed-strength training is considered as a criterion for achieving high sports results in many sports, including gymnastics. Our studies have shown that integral indicators are significantly more informative than individual tests. This allows us to recommend them as the main indicator for monitoring the gymnastic physical fitness. In the work, using the method of standard deviations, the development levels of integral indicators of physical fitness were determined. The level of development of integral indicators makes it possible to proceed to the definition and comparison with model characteristics. Using these indicators, you can determine the potential of gymnasts, its prospects, identify the strengths and weaknesses of its training. Special pedagogical observations and the dynamics of changes in jumping ability and speed indicate a lack of attention to the development of these motor qualities in gymnasts. The use of special speed-strength training significantly changes the technique of the jerky phase and the basic kinematic and dynamic indicators of jumps. Special speed-strength training helps to improve the technical preparedness of gymnasts in vaulting and floor exercises.

Currently, much attention is paid to the study of the correlations between motor qua-lities and skills. The dependence of the technical preparedness of gymnasts on the level of development of various physical qualities has not been studied enough. In gymnastics, most exercises are associated with the manifestation of speed-strength qualities. The effort in performing gymnastic elements is characterized by a high concentration in time: the force gradient in some exercises reaches 4000 kg / s. Using the analytical method of special and scientific literature, we concluded that the le-vel of TFP dynamics among gymnasts is one of the most important indicators for achieving the most effective educational process in general and the special tools used in it, and metho-dological techniques in particular. The basis for their definition can be an analysis of these indicators among gymnasts who have achieved the greatest sports and technical results.


Фарфеля B.C. (155, 156, 157), Филина В.П. (165, 168, 169), Кузнецовой 3.И. (93, 94, 95, 96), Бальсевича В.К. (12, 5,13, 14, 15), Карсаевской Т.В. (85, 86), Верхошанского Ю.В. с соавтора-ми (31, 32), Хрипковой А.Г. (174, 175, 176), Гужаловского А.А. (55, 56, 57).

Семенов Л.П., Якубенок Д.С., 1959; Иванов К.М., 1969.

Мотылянская Р.Е., 1956; Фарфель В.С., 1959; Филин В.П., 1967; Schünke H., Peters H., 1962.

Дьячков В.М., Черняев Г.И., 1963; Ломейко В.Ф., 1964; Hunald A., 1961; Peters H., 1961; Richard, 1969.

Шлемин А.М., 1965, 1968; Черняев Г.И., Винникова Н.И., Зинковский А.В., 1965; Назаров В.Т., 1966; Черешнева Л.Я., 1966; Менхин Ю.В., 1967.

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standard deviation method
speed and speed-power abilities
integral indicators метод стандартных отклонений
скоростные и скоростносиловые способности
интегральные показатели standart çatışmamazlıq üsulu
sürət və sürət - güc qabiliyyətləri
inteqral göstəricilər