e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
Effective nutrition of athletes - the process of improving the ability to work and recovery as a method of improving effect
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


Athletes in modern times various means of increasing working capacity investigated. Effective among these tools nutrition is particularly noteworthy. Athletes
effective balanced nutrition, increasing their physical working capacity and is one of the most effective ways to prevent fatigue. With the necessary components of the food taken rich in all ingredients existence, their compatibility with each other athletes to achieve high results is an important tool that helps.


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physical fitness training
recovery after physical loads
effective balanced food
vitamin and mineral composition lex
nutritional supplements физическая подготовка
восстановление после физических нагрузок
эффективное сбалансированное питание
витаминно-минеральный комплекс
пищевые добавки fiziki iş qabiliyyəti
fiziki yükdən sonra bərpa
səmərəli balanslaşdırılmış qidalanma
vitamin-mineral kompleksi
qida əlavələri