e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
The main indicators of the functional status of athletes in modern times and their role in achieving high results
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


According to doctors even 50 years ago athletes surpassed their physical capabilities to achieve high results. Today it is difficult to imagine high achievements in
sports without the use of doping. Taking doping is a temporary and harmful process. Therefore, doctors try to use the internal resources of the body and the latest achievements of science to achieve new records. The Omeqawave - portable non-invasive technology is based on the results of such sciences as physiology, medicine, cognitive neurobiology, etc. This technology allows to fully investigate the physical condition of athletes and is a condition for the creation of individual recovery programs.


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Hernandez-Morante J.J., Pérez-de-Heredia F., Luján J.A., Zamora S., Garaulet M. Role of DHEA-S on body fat distribution: Gender-and depot-specific stimulation of adipose tissue lipolysis. Steroids 73: 209–215, 2012. [PubMed]

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Hill J.C., Millán I.S. Validation of musculoskeletal ultrasound to assess and quantify muscle glycogen content. A novel approach. Phys Sportsmed. 2014; 42:45– 52. [PubMed]

Carling C., Mc Call A., Le Gall F., Dupont G. The impact of short periods of match congestion on injury risk and patterns in an elite football club. Br J Sports Med. 2016; 50:764-768. [PubMed].

Bangsbo J. Performance in sports: with specific emphasis on the effect of intensified training. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015; 25 (Suppl 4):88-99. [PubMed]

Фомин Р.Н. Эффективное управление подготовкой спортсмена: комплексный подход к оценке индивидуальной готовности. Р.Н. Фомин, В.В. Наседкин. — Белая книга, Omega-wave, Электронная публикация, 6 сентября 2013 г. — 32 с.: ил.

Деревоедов А.А. и др. Оcновные оказатели функционального состояния и методы восстаноления в современном сорте. Лечебная физкультура и сортивная медицина. Москва 2019 год стр 20-35.

Петрова Я.Е. Восстановление организма после физической нагрузки. 21.08. 2019 https://nsportal.ru/shkola/fizkulturai sport/library/2019/08/21/vosstanovlenieorganizma- posle-fizicheskoy-nagruzki

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food systems
individual comprehensive training
unique health technology
sport gene
hormonal background
Omeqawave system. допинг
пищевые системы
индивидуальная коплексная подготовка
уникальная технология здоровья
ген «спорта»
адаптация, восстановление
гормональный фон
система Omeqawave. dopinq
qida sistemləri
fərdi məşq kompleksləri
unikal sağlamlıq texnologiyaları

hormonal fon
Omeqawave sistemi

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