e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article examines the morphofunctional indicators of students engaged in certain sports. The main purpose of the study was to conduct a comprehensive check of the morphofunctional state of the body of students engaged in sports (periodic and nonperiodic). The checks were carried out in groups consisting of girls. In girls engaged in non-periodic sports, changes in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, in inhalation, exhalation and pause, in the size of the circumference of the chest, in the protrusion of the chest were more often noted. In girls of both groups, the subcutaneous fat layer is thicker, the lack of water in the body was the main characteristic. The results obtained can be used as a regulatory framework for conducting medical and biological control over the health of students. It is also assumed that the results obtained can be useful in assessing and comparative analysis of the functional state of students studying in other specialties for their assessment.


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periodic and non-periodic sports
morphofunctional indicators
sports games
physical development
physical training
physical activity периодические и непериодические виды спорта
орфофункциональные показатели
спортивные игры
физическое развитие
физическая подготовка
физические нагрузки dövri və qeyri-dövri idman növləri
tələbə idmançılar
morfofunksional göstəricilər
idman oyunları
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