News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport2025-02-26T00:00:00-07:00Doktorantura şöbə Journal Systems<p>The Scientifuc News of Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sport is an electronic, peer-reviewed scientific journal addressing current issues in sport, published with the goal of advancing sport knowledge through research and expertise. Encompassing multiple facets of sport, including sports management, sports coaching, sports studies, sports medicine, and sports fitness and health. The Journal seeks to provide readers with up-to-date information comprising advances in all areas of sport. Published articles include both detailed scientific methods and guided conclusions geared towards sports professionals, allowing for immediate application in the field. The journal is published online four times a year in azerbaijan, russian anf english languages and print version is available with subscription. </p> <p>The Scientific News of Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sport is included in the list of recommended peer-reviewed scientific journals of High Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan Republic. </p> <p> </p>, development and improvement of physical education in schools2023-01-12T18:12:00-07:00Y.M.<p><strong>Annotation: </strong>The article discusses the content of the lessons of physical culture in high school, the ways of development and improvement. There is a need to take into account the physical health and psychological characteristics of students for the correct construction of classes in physical culture. At the same time, the article talks about the role of physical education classes in shaping the personality of the student and the skills of a healthy lifestyle.</p>2020-03-09T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport to strengthen relations between Azerbaijan and The International Olympic Academy in the field of international Education2023-01-12T18:11:53-07:00Dilgam<p>Strengthening of the relations between Azerbaijan and the International Olympic Academy in the field of international education, the spread of Olympic philosophy and ideology between states and people, the creation of the Olympic mood throughout the world, the embodiment of the principles of the Olympic movement, the transformation of Azerbaijan into an active country in the international sports world, the expansion of physical training and sports, increasing of the number of people involved in physical training and sports from day to day, achieving a wide and effective development of physical training and sports among female, the involvement of disabled people (invalids) in physical training and sports, the planning and implementation of special practical measures for the development of sports in all regions, especially in rural areas, the creation of conditions for poor children and adolescents families with the goal of organizing mass and free physical training and sports, ensuring the planning and implementation of specific activities to keep them in sports and motivate in achieving success enriching their own life, as well as other problems have been solved in this article.</p>2020-03-09T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport athletics kinds of sport in V-VI classes of Secondary Schools2023-01-12T18:11:46-07:00G.Z. Ahmadovqilinc-z@mail.ruA.I. Alekperov qilinc-z@mail.ruM.A. Ashirov qilinc-z@mail.ruA.I. Alakbarovqilinc-z@mail.ruJ.X. Jafarov<p><strong>Annotation:</strong> The article is devoted the searching for optimal forms and methods of effective organization of physical education. The initial phase of the study was to investigate the levels of physical readiness and functional performance of V-VI students.</p> <p>An attempt has been made to establish the use of movement techniques to develop skills and abilities in athletics in V-VI classes of general education schools.</p> <p>The findings revealed that the two factors: of using of movements and the structural, movement behavior of the participants in the constituent components of the abilities play an important role in the studying process. This could eventually become the basis for more effective content of physical education classes.</p>2020-03-09T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of motor activity on functional indicators and morphofunctional formation of schoolchildren at age of 14-152023-01-12T18:11:38-07:00N.A. Musayevanailamusayeva@hotmail.comN.T.<p>The article describes the influence of motor activity of different character on functional indicators and morphofunctional formation of schoolchildren of 14-15 years old. It was found that an analysis of the influence of motor activity on the physical development of adolescents showed that until the eighth form the number of schoolchildren with harmonious development did not undergo significant changes and averaged 66%. The number of underweight students increased from 11% to 22.2%, while the number with normal indicators decreased from 23% to 13.3%. The number of girls with harmonious development was 42.8%. The number of overweight girls increased to 4.8%. The increase in the number of students with less body weight was 28%. Students with an excess body weight of 9.5% developed harmoniously due to a decrease in body weight. Disharmonious development in girls remained at 9.6% due to the extra body weight, and due to insufficient weight, it remained at 4.8%. The number of boys with harmonious physical development made 66.6%. The number of underweight boys increased up to 11.1 %, while the number of overweight boys remained unchanged. 5.6% of schoolchildren were observed due to weight loss. A decrease in overweight in 11.3% and a decrease in weight in 5.6% of schoolchildren led to disharmonious development. So. as a result of application of experimental motor activity (physical training), a positive dynamics was observed in physical development.</p>2020-03-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport and methods of motivating society to physical education and sports2023-01-12T18:11:31-07:00R.A. Akbarovrufat-akperov@rambler.ruV.V.<p>The article "Means and methods of motivating society to physical education and sports" discusses ways to increase interest in physical education and sports in modern society. The main way to promote society in the field of physical education and sports should be active advertising, pre-school education, orphanages and kindergartens, family and high schools. Growing up in this environment, the young man will be engaged in physical education and sports. So it will become an integral part of his life.</p>2020-03-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport system of sports and athletic activities2023-01-12T18:11:23-07:00Ali-Aqa Halil Ramazanov<p>Physical education is the main source of a healthy body, that´s why though it’s very important to study the influence of the physical education on the mental and spiritual life of the students. The functions of the physical education of a higher schools (institutions) were analyzed in the given article. It was revealed that physical education contributes to the formation of positive qualities of the students.</p>2020-03-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport role of physical education in educational work in boarding schools2023-01-12T18:11:17-07:00Vasif Ramazanov<p>The article examines the features, goals and significance of modern physical education in boarding schools and also analyzes the organization of physical education.</p>2020-03-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport issues of effective organization of physical education2023-01-12T18:11:10-07:00Orxan Soltanovvuqarakberov69@gmail.comVugar Akbarov<p>The article deals with the efficient forming of the physical training lessons, raising of the interest to physical training lessons in pupils in middle general education schools, forming of the habits, knowledge, ability to different kinds of sport and displaying interest to different sport competitions in this area. </p>2020-03-31T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sportıon of the physıcal form of the athlete-balance of the body system, kınestesıa (proprioceptive), ıncreasıng of traınıng and coaching at the basıs of modern technologıes and ınnovatıons2023-01-12T18:11:02-07:00 Sh. N. Mammadovafarid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comM.M.<p>The article discusses the general concepts of biomechanical laws of the formation and development of the mechanism of human stability and quantitative control of stability, the problems and the importance of creating complex biomechanical instrumental techniques for studying vertical posture, the need for scientific justification of the requirements for technical means for developing technology for determining the quality of stability.</p> <p>Scientifically based approaches to resolving the contradictions between need and the existing level of development of science are proposed.</p> <p>The importance of the need to expand scientific knowledge and new methods for studying the biomechanism of stability in various fields of human activity, including in sports, in the pedagogy of physical education of the younger generation on the issues of biomechanics, metrology and ergonomics of human motor activity, is emphasized, and the relevance of improving the effectiveness of training is emphasized and training in sports in an era of intense competition and its dependence on the introduction of new technologies and innovations.</p> <p>Also considered are the roles of modern simulator - analyzers in the rehabilitation of athletes' health.</p>2020-04-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport features of physical preparedness of teenagers in the sport of taekwondo2023-01-12T18:10:55-07:00Suleyman Mammadli farid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comSabuhi Fataliyev<p><strong>Annotation: </strong>The article describes the methodical features of the physical training of adolescent taekwondo athletes, morph-functional factors such as physician supervision, first aid and other issues for athletes.</p>2020-04-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport relationship of physical fitness and health in a special shock the young karateka’s2023-01-12T18:10:47-07:00K.X. Mustaphaev farid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comN.M. Babayev farid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comN.M. Aghayev<p>The aim of the study was to determine the degree of relationship between indicators of physical fitness and health in a special shock the young karate age. With the help of teacher testing and application techniques hronodinamometriya were recorded statistically significant indicators of physical fitness and health impact of special shock the young karate, regularly engaged in karate. And also picked stable relationship between the characteristics of speed, strength and speed – strength with a number of indicators of a series of shock techniques hands.</p>2020-04-08T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of loads of different directions we taekvon do the preparatory period of a year eyele2023-01-12T18:10:41-07:00X.K. Khurbanov farid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comO.Kh. Gurbanov farid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comG.H. Huseynli farid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comV.B. Aslanov<p>In article materials on studying of a problem of rational construction different orientation at Taekvon Do at training stage of long-term preparation are presented 13-15 years whiting the limits of an experimental research possibility of applications of additional means of restoration a preparatory stage of a year training eyelet is considered. High efficiency of rational construction of rational construction of training loadings, and also the interfaced influence of traditional means of sports preparation and additional regenerative means for an organism of young sportsmen is experimentally shown/</p>2020-04-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of the performance of the National Team of Azerbaijan participating in the xx world boxing championship2023-01-12T18:10:33-07:00Vahid ValiyevVahidveliyev@mail.ruNuralam Mardanov Nuralemmardanov@mail.ruZaur<p>The Azerbaijani national boxing team participated in the XX World Championship held in Yekaterinburg (Russia) from September 08 to 21. We decided to analyze both theoretically and practically the performance of our boxer in this tournament.</p> <p>The practical of use of this article consists in the fact that the trainers, boxing experts, using it, learn the appropriate lessons for the upcoming competitions by carefully analyzing the results of our boxers. It is also worth noting that, according to the decision of the IOC, the number of weight categories in boxing reduced from 10 to 8.</p>2020-04-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of modern education and prospects for the development of practical experience of physical education and sports in Azerbaijan2023-01-12T18:10:26-07:00Z.B. Rzayev abucavad@gmail.comB.R.<p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: black;">Improved the legal framework for education, and a number of measures have been implemented in the direction of orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Creating a</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: black;">database of web technologies in education such as e-library resources, various online seminars, electronic lectures, etc. is one of the most important issues facing higher education institutions of the country. Develop education insport and curriculum development, as well as access to this electronic database.</span></p>2020-04-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of antioxidant reception on efficiency presidential training of boxer students2023-01-12T18:10:16-07:00A.K. Namazovkuem@list.ruL.V. Shamraykuem@list.ruK.A. Namazovkuem@list.ruN.B. Majidovkuem@list.ruA.Y. Lipovkakuem@list.ruV.P.<p>The article deals with the problem of the use of antioxidant drugs in the training of boxer students. The work on this problem was analyzed, the results of the experiment were described, which confirmed the usefulness of the use of the antioxidant preparation "Triovit" in the pre-innovation training of boxer students, as well as the need for further research of a theoretical and practical nature.</p>2020-04-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport Modern educational technologies in the field of physical education of students2023-01-12T18:10:07-07:00A.K. Namazovkuem@list.ruA.Y. Burovakuem@list.ruK.A. Namazovkuem@list.ruN. B.Majidovkuem@list.ruY.N.<p>this article discusses the need to use modern educational technologies to raise teaching at universities of physical education to a qualitatively new level and motivate students to engage in physical education and follow a healthy lifestyle.</p>2020-04-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of puberty girls athletes 2023-01-12T18:09:59-07:00V.C.<p>This article presents the main problems of women's sports. Menstrual cycle and development of the women’s body. The ways of regulating the menstrual cycle are given of gymnasts to competitions , as well as the stages of puberty, constitution and sexual somatotyping in female athletes, in particular gymnasts. The subject of menstrual cycle phases and pubertation stages is widely revealed.</p>2020-04-11T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport role and significance of innovations in management2023-01-12T18:09:53-07:00S.F.<p>The role and significance of innovations existing in management have been researched in this article. The analysis of foreign experience connected with innovation has been realized. The ways of eliminating the factors hindering the progress of innovation have been identified and researched.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport use of modern information technology in sports games2023-01-12T18:09:44-07:00E.M.<p>This article presents products for game sports. All professional football, basketball, volleyball and hockey clubs know what the Polar team system is and work with it. Polar Team System and Polar Team System 2 are unique products that do not have world analogues and this determines the exceptional level of professional confidence in it.</p> <p>The second generation team system is a unique solution for team sports. Polar Team System2 gives opportunity for load tracking and to analyze the training process on the computer in real time for each player of the team.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of aqqression manifestation in youth2023-01-12T18:09:36-07:00G.G.<p>The article broadly demonstrates the reasons of aqqression observed in youth. News from media, violence in films, situational factors, television, abundance of leisure time and lack of hobbies are indicated as the reasons for aqqression. The article hiqhliqhts stimulus suh as compassion,humor,interest for collaboration-a powerful tool for preventinqaqqression. Moreover, the importance of followinq some conditions in treatment of aqqressive behavior is also described in the article.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of sport on the economy2023-01-12T18:09:29-07:00Y.N. Guliyev yusifquliyev366@gmail.comG.H. Gouseynli yusifquliyev366@gmail.comM.N. Askerovyusifquliyev366@gmail.comN.E. Guliyev<p>The sports economy and sports business are developing very fast in Azerbaijan. Sport socialises people; plays a major role in the establishment and development of public relations. In fact, efforts to build new friendships, gain a place in the group, and get to know the other group members affect and improve the social life of an individual. In regions where societies achieve these values social structures, associations, clubs, facilities grow and social relationships are built in an environment where people share common interests and excitement. The economic impact of sports produced by the development and growth of the sports industry comes to the fore due to the increase in goods and services. Both in terms of production and consumption, service production and consumption of sports constitute the sports economy. The sports economy is identified as a branch of science investigating the relationship in the process of production of sports industry priducts (goods and services) and consumption.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport an object of physical education and sports management2023-01-12T18:09:22-07:00G. F. Hasanova<p>The article explores new methods of physical education and sport management, its causes and prospects for development.The need for a systematic approach to physical education and sports is being considered.The system approach examines the benefits of management as a modern management tool.The role and importance of using functional and structural models in management are clarified.Depending on the specifics of the physical education and sports, the problem of determining and correctly coordinating the criteria (criteria) for determining the goal is clarified.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of the native language in the processes of the second language acquisition and learning 2023-01-12T18:09:15-07:00Fakhriyya<p>The article presents information about the processes of language learning and acquisition and illustrates the differences between these processes. More over the interference of mother tongue on the process of second language learning is investigated. In conclusion the ways of dealing with mother tongue interference and solutions of problems with the second language acquisition are suggested.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport use of authentic materials in teaching grammar in english2023-01-12T18:09:08-07:00S.A. Guliyeva<p>The use of authentic materials in teaching English grammar is relevant in modern methodology. We believe that teaching grammar as well as communication in a foreign language is essential. At the same time, achieving of both goals requires the use of authentic materials.Our goal is to teach grammar in a more engaging, interactive, modern way, and to achieve our goals in a more practical way. The paper presents research findings related to the purposeful use of authentic materials and the transfer of students to the real language environment.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport reliability of testsin sport2023-01-12T18:09:00-07:00Shahla Valiyevaaynel91@gmail.comAynel<p>The study found a reliability assessment based on the results of 7 athletes who weretested duringthe 100m run.For this purpose, the tests is performed twice with one week interval.Based on the test results is calculated the correlation coefficient. The results of the calculations are evaluated based on the reliability assessment schedule.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport the issue of formation of auditory skills among foreign students at the initial stage of teaching russian as a foreign language (rki)2020-04-24T11:08:33-06:00E.S.<p>The purpose of this article is to generalize the methodological experience of teaching RCTs related to teaching listening as a type of speech activity of Indian students at the stage of pre-university training. Teachers of RCTs at the Sports Academy had never before worked with groups of Indian students, so at the preparatory stage it became necessary to turn to specialized literature on this topic. Serious scientific work, revealing the specifics of teaching RCTs to Indian students, is currently practically absent. This is due to the scientific novelty of this article.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport and prospects for the development of the modern state of electronic control in Azerbaijan2023-01-12T18:08:45-07:00M.M.<p>In the modern world, there is no area where the usage of information technology is not implemented. We live in the information society, in the information world. Informatization is the inevitable development stage of human civilization. This is a means by the help of what the society realizes itself quickly and adequately and the essential issues can be solved operatively and efficiently. Widespread usage of ICTs contributes to the overall socio-economic development of our country, the reduction of poverty facilitates the normalization of citizen-civil servant relations.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of regressive equation and projection based on sport results2023-01-12T18:08:37-07:00Shahla Valiyevafarid.israfilzadeh@gmail.comA.N. Ahmadova<p>Based on 100 and 800-meter run results of 10 athletes of athletics national team, which were displayed by them during 2018-2019 years, a regression equation is being composed in this research. Two equations is composed for the athletes’ results and its error rate is calculated. Based on calculationsit is come to conclusion that when making projections on athletes run results equation with smaller error should be preferred in the model of regression.</p>2020-04-12T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sportıs of the most effectıve receptıtıon ın the judo2023-01-12T18:08:22-07:00Z.Z.Mammadovzaurjudo@bk.ruA.A. Jafarovzaurjudo@bk.ruN.M.<p>The article presents the questionnaire to determine the most effective and most effective tricks of Azerbaijan judoist in different periods of their sporting career: 10-12 years, 13-17 years and the last two years. Meetings of athletes of different age groups were analyzed to identify the most effective and favorite tricks. Studies have shown that the hobbies and most effective tricks of athletes are not the same. It also noted the compatibility of the tricks used by the Azerbaijan National Team and the strongest judoist of the world.</p>2020-04-13T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport of functional properties basketball-players of the heart in dynamics of training process2023-01-12T18:08:30-07:00N.A. Musayeva nushabaragimova@gmail.comV.A. Adigozalova nushabaragimova@gmail.comRahimova N.G.nushabaragimova@gmail.comG.D.<p>Adaptation and recovery capabilities of cardio-vascular system of the students-basketball-players under conditions of anaerobic physical loading (Ruffye test) on preparatory, competition and intermediate stages of the training process were studied. The analysis of the results of the studies showed that on the intermediate stage the adaptation and recovery functions of circulatory system exceed these functions on the preparatory and competition stages. Different degrees of perfectness of the mechanisms regulating adaptation and recovery capabilities of the organism of the basketball-players are defined.</p>2020-04-13T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2020 Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport