e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


As safeguarding athletes becomes a global priority, countries around the world are implementing Safe Sport policies to protect them from abuse, harassment, and misconduct. However, the effectiveness of these policies differs widely, and there’s much to be learned from comparing how different nations address the challenges of athlete safety. This article takes a closer look at Safe Sport policies in countries like the United States, Canada, and several European nations, drawing out key lessons and best practices that can help shape a stronger Safe Sport framework for Azerbaijan. Through this comparative analysis, we uncover both successes and gaps in global policy implementation – insights that can be directly applied to Azerbaijan's efforts. From improving reporting systems to ensuring proper training and independent oversight, there are clear steps Azerbaijan can take to enhance athlete protection. Importantly, the article also highlights the need to adapt these strategies to local cultural contexts while staying aligned with international standards. By weaving together global experiences and local needs, this article offers practical recommenddations for Azerbaijan to build a safer, more supportive environment for its athletes, setting a solid foundation for the future of Safe Sport in the country.


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Safe Sport policies
athlete protection
abuse prevention in sports
comparative policy analysis
cultural adaptation in sports
sports safety frameworks
athlete wellbeing политика безопасного спорта
защита спортсменов
профилактика злоупотреблений в спорте
сравнительный анализ политики
культурная адаптация в спорте
рамки безопасности в спорте
благополучие спортсменов тəhlükəsiz İdman siyasətləri
idmançıların müdafiəsi
idmanda suiistifadənin qarşısının alınması
müqayisəli siyasət təhlili
idmanda mədəni uyğunlaşma
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