The article discusses Russia's best practices in developing SAMBO and its application in the context of Azerbaijan. The main focus is on key aspects such as integrating SAMBO into the education system, creating specialized sports infrastructure, developing professional training for coaches, and introducing digital technologies to improve training and competition organization. Particular attention is paid to the "SAMBO in School" program, successfully implemented in Russia, which is aimed at attracting young people to sports and developing physical education. The possibility of introducing a similar program in Azerbaijan to increase the number of children and adolescents practicing SAMBO is considered. Attention is also focused on the creation of a modern sports infrastructure in Russia, including specialized sports complexes and training grounds, and similar measures are proposed for Azerbaijan, which will increase the availability of SAMBO among young people and improve the conditions for training athletes. An important point is the system of training coaches in Russia, which includes regular advanced training, the use of innovative technologies such as video surveillance and analysis of data on training processes. The introduction of similar methods in Azerbaijan will improve the quality of training coaches and athletes. The introduction of digital platforms for federation management and competition organization is also considered, which helps to improve the efficiency of sports organizations. The article emphasizes the importance of using Russian experience for the development of SAMBO in Azerbaijan, taking into account the specifics of the country.
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