e-ISSN: 2617-0396     print ISSN: 2617-0388
##common.pageHeaderLogo.altText## Scientific News of Academy of Physical Education and Sport


The article talks about the coordination of movements of young football players and the main problems they face. The main problems facing the coordination of movements of young  football players are investigated, and it is shown what should be paid more attention to in the training process. There are three groups of coordination movements of children's football players. It is emphasized that the work on the development of coordination abilities of football players consists of several stages and methods. The main problems encountered in the coordination of movements exercises are indicated. Taking into account that the need for coordination of the movements of football players in modern football is constantly increasing, it is noted that it is advisable to develop and form coordination abilities from childhood.


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physical training
psychological training
theoretical training
coordination of movements
sports results физическая подготовка
психологическая подготовка
теоретическая подготовка
координация движений
спортивные результаты fiziki hazırlıq
psixoloji hazırlıq
nəzəri hazırlıq
hərəkət koordinasiyası
idman naliyyəti
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